Tech Mesh London 2012

Michaël Figuière, Engineer & Developer Advocate at DataStax

Michaël Figuière

Biography: Michaël Figuière

Michaël is an engineer and a developer advocate at DataStax where he actively works to improve Cassandra. At ease with both Enterprise Java and lower level technologies, he specializes in distributed architectures and topics such as NoSQL, search engines, and data processing. He often speaks about NoSQL in conferences and User Groups and loves to write about his favorite topics.

Presentation: The New Face of Cassandra

Track: Next Generation Databases / Time: Tuesday 16:35 - 17:25 / Location: Woburn

Cassandra has always been a highly performant distributed database, but not always simple to use though. Apache Cassandra 1.2 finalizes CQL3, a query language which provides a new interface to communicate with Cassandra that dramatically shrink its learning curve and simplify its daily use while still relying on its highly scalable architecture and storage engine.
This talk will briefly introduce Cassandra and will then present an overview of CQL3 query language, a look at the new client architecture, and an update on data modeling best practices. Then we'll see how to implement an enterprise application using this new interface so that the audience can realize that a number of design principles are inspired from those commonly used with relational databases while some other entirely different, due to Cassandra partitioning approach.

Talk objectives: This talk aim to help the audience to get familiar with the new face of Cassandra, which has been designed to make it simpler to use for mainstream enterprise applications

Target audience: Beginner/Intermediate with NoSQL DBs