Tech Mesh London 2012
What is Tech Mesh?
Mission statement
Tech Mesh, the alternative programming conference, focuses on promoting useful non-mainstream technologies to the software industry. The underlying theme is "the right tool for the job", as opposed to automatically choosing the tool at hand. By bringing together users and inventors of different languages and technologies (new and old), speakers will get the opportunity to inspire, to share experience, and to increase insight. Via presentations and case studies, we aim to raise awareness and extend the knowledge of all participants, mainstream and non-main stream users alike.
Conference Vision
We want conference delegates to get a better basis for using the right tool for the job. Tools could mean a technology, language, library, database, operating system or hardware platform, or more generally a technique, style or paradigm. Additionally, every Tech Mesh event will focus on a group of industry verticals such as gaming, telecoms, finance, new media and health, highlighting how tools are used to solve problems in those domains. These themes will rotate among the various conferences.