GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Romain Pelisse, TweetMiddleware consultant at Red Hat and Open Source expert for more than 5 year

Biography: Romain Pelisse
Romain Pelisse is a middleware consultant with more than 5 years of experience in Open Source Java/JEE technology. Project leader of PMD, he has real first hand understanding of the Open Source model that fuels Red Hat and its middleware division, JBoss Inc. Graduated engineer from ESME Sudria, Paris, in 2005, he, since then, came back there to teach, and he also teaches in the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany.
Presentation: TweetMaking Enterprise Java Development Hurt Less
Whether you like it or loath it, Java the language and Java the platform have set the standard for enterprise computing for over a decade and don't look like giving up that top spot for a while yet. However, we continue to hear complaints about the complexity of developing applications with Java and it is no secret that J2EE wasn't always the easiest beast to conquer. Various frameworks sprang up over the years to try to simplify the lives of Java enterprise developers, such as Seam and Spring, and with the advent of Java Enterprise Edition 6 (EE6) and changes in the JVM to allow non-Java languages to be supported, we are starting to see a renaissance. In this presentation we will look at some of the things that have happened in the last few years that have already increased the productivity of enterprise Java development, including key features like CDI in EE6 and changes in the Java Community Process. We'll illustrate some of this with the new release of the JBoss Application Server, AS7, which is a full EE6 compliant application server yet is fast, modular and lightweight. We'll also look at some other advancement that are happening in open source that will also help and which may make their way into the standards.