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Roberto V. Zicari, TweetProf. Dott. Ing. Goethe University Frankfurt

Biography: Roberto V. Zicari
Roberto V. Zicari was born 1955 in Milan, Italy.
Since 1992, he is full professor of Database and Information Systems (DBIS) at the Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Since 2008, he is the Director of the Goethe Unibator, the Incubator of the Goethe University Frankfurt:
He is member of the Global Venture Lab network, an alliance of academic institutions sharing common research and educational programs. The initiative was started in August 2009 by the Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (CET) at UC Berkeley:
Roberto V. Zicari is the official representative of the Object Management Group (OMG) in Europe:
He is the Editor of the, the resource portal for new data management technologies:
He is the Editor of the ODBMS Industry Watch Blog, a very popular blog about "Trends and Information on New Data Management Technologies, Innovation."
He has extensively published journal and conference papers in the areas of Database Systems, Object Technology and Web Science.
He is co-author/co-editor of the books:
- "XML Data Management" (Addison Wesley, 2003),
- "Succeeding with Object Databases" (John Wiley & Sons, 2000),
- "Advanced Database Systems" (Morgan Kaufmann, 1997),
- "Conceptual Modeling, Databases and Case (John Wiley &Sons,1992).
Roberto V. Zicari was
- visiting scientist at IBM Almaden Research Center, USA;
- visiting scholar at the Computer Science Department, at the University of California at Berkeley, USA,
- visiting professor at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS),Denmark, the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland; the National University of Mexico City (UNAM), Mexico.
Previously, Roberto V. Zicari was an associated professor at Politecnico di Milano,Italy.
Roberto V. Zicari is an internationally recognized expert in the fields of databases, object technology, Web-business, Web2.0, and Digital Ambients (Web Science) and Data/Context Management.
His interests also expands to Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
He is among the experts asked regularly by the European Commission to evaluate/review project proposals and running projects.
Roberto V. Zicari combines a multi years solid scientific background in computer science with practical experience in Enterprise Strategy, Marketing, and Web-business. He has consulted and lectured in Europe, US and Japan.
Roberto Zicari holds a doctor of engineering degree from Politecnico di Milano.
Twitter: @odbmsorg
Presentation: TweetBig Data: Challenges and Opportunities
Every day, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created. This data comes from digital pictures, videos, posts to social media sites, intelligent sensors, purchase transaction records, cell phone GPS signals to name a few.
This is Big Data.
There is a great interest both in the commercial and in the research communities around Big Data. It has been predicted that “analyzing Big Data will become a key basis of competition, underpinning new waves of productivity growth, innovation, and consumer surplus”, according to research by MGI and McKinsey’s Business Technology Office.
But very few people seem to look at how Big Data can be used for solving social problems. Most of the work in fact is not in this direction.
Why this?
What can be done in the international research and development communities to make sure that some of the most brilliant ideas do have an impact also for social issues?
In my talk I will focus exactly at this question: is it possible to conduct research, and/or development work for a corporation and/or a research lab, and at the same time make sure that the potential output of our work has also a social impact?
I will take take Big Data as a key example. Big Data is clearly of interest to marketers and enterprises a like who wish to offer their customers better services and better quality products. Ultimately their goal is to sell their products/services.
This is good, but how about digging into Big Data to help people in need? Preventing / predicting natural catastrophes, helping offering services “targeting” to people and structures in social need?
It would be good to 'leverage' the power of the emerging big data tool-box to achieve societal benefits ("digital public goods"). It is of course not a straight identity: big data may be neutral or even negative on that scale, depending on the deployment.
Hope you'll find this presentation interesting, as well as eye-opening.