GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

When: 30. Apr 2012 at 16:30 -


GOTO GeekNight:

Continuous Delivery

Taler: Christian Hvitved, Trifork A/S

Tid: 30. april, 2012, kl. 16.30 - 18.30

Sted: Trifork A/S, Spotorno Alle 4, 2630 Taastrup

Kontakt: Tine Grarup

Pris: Gratis

Sprog: Dansk


At Trifork we believe our software process can be vastly improved by following the Continuous Delivery (CD) principles. CD extends Continuous Integration and aims to setup a process making it possible to rapidly, reliably and repeatedly push out new code.

CD introduces the deployment pipeline setting up a process that will take the code from checkin to version control and carry it through different steps, testing the code and deploying it to different environments, for further testing. The deployment pipeline setup fast feedback loops, so people are notified as soon as problems are detected. To optimize the process, reduce feedback time and avoid human errors, as much as possible should be automated.

This geeknight will introduce the general CD principles, and share Triforks experience in moving towards CD.

• Motivating CD
• Continuous integration
• Deployment pipeline
• The DevOps movement (Developers and operations collaborating)
• Monitoring and metrics - Building an immune system for our software
• Deployment strategies
• CD experiences in our healthcare project “Fælles Medicinkort”



Der vil blive serveret sandwich og vand til GeekNight'en


Husk at melde afbud hvis du ikke kan komme.
Da vi nu har et max deltagerantal på vores GeekNights har vi indført et no-show gebyr på kr. 200,-
På denne måde kan vi sikre os at deltagere på en eventuel venteliste får muligheden for at få den ledige plads.
Framelding skal ske senest d. 29. april kl. 9:00 til Tine Grarup
Ved tilmelding af GeekNight's eller Free Meetups gennem Trifork godkender du samtidig at vi kontakter dig med relevante kursus- og konferencetilbud og sender dig vores nyhedsbrev med kommende events.  

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