GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

When: 12. Apr 2012 at 16:30 -


GOTO GeekNight:

Agile release planning & project dashboards

Speaker: Anders Thorbjørn Jensen, Schneider Electric

Time: 12. april, 2012, kl. 16.30 - 18.30
1 hour talk - break - discussion and OpenSpace

Place: Trifork A/S, Spotorno Alle 4, 2630 Taastrup

Contact: Tine Grarup

Fee: Gratis

Language: Danish or English

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In the traditional scrum literature it is difficult to find methods for product backlog creation and scope prediction. Most agile teams have stakeholders or customers that are expecting a delivery by a certain date and for many people a long list of prioritized stories does a poor job of communicating an overview of the project.

This session will present a method that makes it easier to prioritize features on the product backlog and at the same time enhance the communication between the scrum team and product owner as well as the project stakeholders. The method is inspired by work of Jeff Patton and Dave Thomas.

The agile release board is a 2D representation of the product backlog that at any time displays the status of the entire project in the same way as the scrum-board (or sprint board) displays the status of the current sprint.

You will learn about how to create a 2D product backlog through agile release planning. We will focus on the creation process of the product backlog and show how to turn it into an agile release board that helps you manage the scope of the project. You will learn how to use the release board in combination with a project burn-up chart and predict a possible release date. A framework for agile release boards will be presented including, methods for story estimation using story points, prioritization and scope management.

We will dive into a few examples of real release boards that are being used for collaboration in a medium sized, distributed agile software organization. Finally a few pointers for suitable scrum tools for agile release boards will be presented.

Anders Thorbjørn Jensen has been involved with agile development since 2004.




Sandwich and water will be served at the GeekNight'en


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