GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
When: 14. Mar 2012 at 16:30 -
ScrumForum – Distributed Scrum and Agile
Tid: 14. marts, 2012, kl. 16:30 – 19:30
ca. 1 times faglige indlæg, ½ times pause og 1,5 times OpenSpace
Sted: Trifork A/S, Margrethepladsen 4, 8000 Aarhus C
Taler: Mads Troels Hansen
Kontakt: Amalie Schmidt Møller
Pris: Gratis
Sprog: Dansk (English)
Distributed Scrum and Agile
How to create an optimal balance and maximize the outcome
Falgligt oplæg v. Mads Troels Hansen
Mads has worked with Agile and Scrum in different distributed setup since 2004.
Working in a distributed setup can be a challenging and demanding experience. Introducing Scrum and Agile does not solve all problems by magic, but requires some extra dimensions to the different practices and principles. Very often it can be difficult to be agile and collaborate across the distance and people tend to fall back in old and more controlling behaviors.
In this session you will hear about recommended solutions to common problems when working with distributed Scrum and Agile. You will be introduced to 9 main patterns for more successful distributed work, which can help create, or improve the distributed setup to avoid many of the common failures. You will also hear how the distributed setup often will impact the Scrum roles, events and artifacts and how you must balance and continuously improve the extra dimensions in each area.
You will also hear about different cases and experience from working with distributed teams between Denmark, Asia and Eastern Europe since 2004.
Note: This talk will be in English, in case some participants don’t understand Danish.
Efter det faglige oplæg vil der være en pause, efterfulgt af OpenSpace
Benyt chancen for at deltage i nogle spændende debatter med de øvrige deltagere. Vi sætter scenen, og du bidrager med gode spørgsmål eller temaer, der diskuteres i mindre grupper.
Vi glæder os til at byde både nye og gamle medlemmer velkommen til et par timers indlæg og debat om distribueret scrum og agile udvikling.
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