GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Dan North, TweetAgile Troublemaker, Developer, Originator of BDD

Biography: Dan North
Dan North uses his deep technical and organisational knowledge to help CIOs, business and software teams to deliver quickly and successfully. He puts people first and finds simple, pragmatic solutions to business and technical problems, often using lean and agile techniques. He believes most technology problems are really about communication and feedback, which explains his interest in organisational design, systems thinking and how people learn. He has been consulting, coding and coaching for over 20 years, and he occasionally blogs at
Presentation: TweetHard things made easy - Part 1
Sadek Drobi
Monads are interfaces
Bottleneck Analysis
Adrian Cockcroft
It's hard to get served a drink at the bar during a conference. There are many times that you will be staring down the empty neck of your last beer bottle and feeling thirsty while you wait in line. There are some common problems that occur, but how can the conference organizers easily figure out which problem is constraining the throughput of this important function, and optimize quick delivery to thirsty attendees?
Simplicity, The Way of the Unusual Architect
Dan North
Dan North talks about the tendency developers-becoming-architects have to create bigger and more complex systems. Without trying to be simplistic, North argues for simplicity, offering strategies to extract the simple essence from complex situations.
Presentation: TweetThe browser is dead...
Three years ago I had never written a browser application. I had written plenty of web apps, but really I was coding like it's 1999. And did I mention I'm useless at design? So I was writing ugly web apps like it's 1999!
Then I started working with a rather unusual programmer who was writing front office trading apps - traditionally the domain of rich desktop clients - in a browser. In a browser! Surely it would be too slow? And the user experience would suck? But it wasn't. And it didn't. Because the browser isn't just a browser any more.
Three years on I can get from zero to functional faster than I ever thought possible. I can create feature-rich, good-looking apps with zero desktop deployment. I've never felt so empowered by a technology as I do by html5 and modern web development. I'm still useless at design but now it's much less obvious!
In this session I'll show you how to get up and running in record time, and more importantly how to harness this powerful new platform. The browser is dead, long live the browser.