GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Alvin Richards, TweetSenior Director of Service and Enterprise Engineering, 10gen/MongoDB

Biography: Alvin Richards
Alvin is Senior Technical Director for 10gen/MongoDB in Europe. He has held leadership positions at Oracle and NetApp as well as several startups in the Archiving, SaaS and Java instrumentation domains. With 20+ years of combined experience in these areas, what he most enjoys is building cool products, great teams and challenging the status quo. Alvin earned separate degrees in Computer Science and Photography from Thames Valley and Nottingham Trent Universities in the UK.
Presentation: TweetScaling for Humongous amounts of data with MongoDB
Life is great as your first customer signs up. Then you have your millionth signup, your data needs to span multiple machines across several geographies, the business wants more information, better accuracy and faster. Your life now sucks.
In this talk we will cover the
- Basic Schema Design
- Schema design for scaling: bucketing, time series, linking versus embedding
- Implications of sharding keys with alternatives
- Read scaling through replication
- Challenges of eventual consistency
This is not just theory, each will be mapped to customer examples of the challenges of solving actual real world problems.
Presentation: TweetThe Aarhus 6
We will be using the analogy of a courtroom battle for this presentation and the room will be laid out in a courtroom style layout with the case being presented:
The people vs The Aarhus 6 (6 of the biggest names in NOSQL and NEWSQL technologies or the accussed as we like to call them!)
Accused? Yes the terminolgy is a bit strong but in the name of role playing they are accussed of mis-informing the general public with outlandish claims and not warning of potential "tradeoffs" the public may encounter when using these products. For example, it may not be super fast, highly scalable or even easy to use in your environment but they said it was!
The panel will be moderated by Kresten Krab Thorup.
However, we encourage (with a free beer for each question asked) as much audience participation as possible! We ran a similar track in Copenhagen in May and the audience actually asked most of the tough questions! So bring a sharp wit to this session.
Its then up to the Judge to make sure the questions are asked and answered in a fair and open manner. BTW The judges decision is final!
So who is on the panel:
Matt Heitzenroder (Basho), Chris Anderson (Couchbase), Jim Webber (Neo4J), Alvin Richards (10gen/MongoDB), Matt Dennis (Datastax), Martin Fowler ()