GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Alan Boykiw, TweetUser Experience Evangelist at SMART Technologies

Biography: Alan Boykiw
Alan currently leads the User Experience group at SMART Technologies which is dedicated to ensuring that SMART interactive whiteboards and other products are a pleasure to see, touch and use. He has been practicing and teaching design since the age of pencils, felt-tip pens and paper and is passionate about user satisfaction with new interaction experiences. He holds several design patents and has taught in and directed post secondary design programs in Canada and abroad. SMART technologies is the world leader in interactive whiteboards and is continually investigating and perfecting multi-touch and multi-user interaction methods and user experience techniques.
Presentation: TweetMulti-touch UI: A touchy subject
This session will focus on how multi-touch user interface concepts are being applied to personal, mobile and large format devices. Attention will be paid to emerging trends, interaction models and the factors that require attention when designing gesture and touch interfaces. The landscape of multi-touch will also be described considering alternate technologies, industries and operating systems. User experience examples and techniques will be shown throughout the talk.