NoSQL Search Roadshow London 2013

When: 16. Oct 2013 at 18:00 -


GOTO Night with Christopher Lindblad & Simon Deighton

Date October 16, 2013
Time 18:00 / 6PM
Erlang Solutions office, New Loom House
Address 101 Back Church Lane, London E1 1LU
Room Suite 2.05
Cost Free of charge
Refreshments & drinks included

"Introduction and discussion panel" with Christopher Lindblad, Founder & Chief Architect at MarkLogic

Come and hear search expert Christopher Lindblad, architect of the Ultraseek Server search engine (now Verity) talk about how he has managed to combine Enterprise grade search with a fully transactional unstructured NoSQL Database.

Chris has over 20 years experience developing software. Chris founded MarkLogic while working as an architect on Ultraseek Server, Infoseek's enterprise search application, which is now one of Autonomy's principal products following the acquisition of Verity. Chris had the overall responsibility for the creation of Ultraseek Server, including the architecture, design, and development. Prior to Infoseek, he pursued post-doctoral research in high-speed networks and real-time video processing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). During his research tenure at MIT, Chris authored over 15 publications in internet and multi-media technologies. Chris holds a bachelor's degree in engineering and computer science from the California Institute of Technology, and a master's degree and Ph.D. in computer science from MIT.

"NoSQL and MySQL - The best of both worlds?" by Simon Deighton, MySQL Specialist from Oracle

Simon Deighton talks about NoSQL interfaces to MySQL and asks whether, in many situations, this might not provide the best of both worlds.

Simon Deighton is the field representative for MySQL in the UK&I, a position he has held since 2005 during which MySQL was first acquired by Sun Microsystems and then by Oracle Corporation. Simon holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics from Leeds University and has worked in the IT Industry since 1979 in a wide variety of roles as developer, technical consultant, enterprise architect, management consultant, trainer and sales representative. Simon's first exposure to a NoSQL database was in 1980 whilst developing a system for a UK bank on a Burroughs Mainframe! His job roles since that time have kept him close to the evolution of database technology.

If you have any questions or have to cancel your registration, please don't hesitate to contact Ewa Kucharczyk.


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