NoSQL Search Roadshow Amsterdam 2013

NoSQL Search Amsterdam 2013 Registration

Registration is closed.

The prices are exclusive of 21.0% VAT. Price reductions are always relative to the list price. It is not possible to combine different price reductions.

Privacy Policy

The NoSQL conference organizations uses the information you provide during the registration for the conference only. We do not sell or in any other way give third parties access.

The conference mailing list receives up-to-date information on NoSQL roadshows and closely related events. Should you wish to stop receiving this information by email, just let us know and we will remove you from the conference mailing list.

Cancellation and Purchase

Please note that the registration fee is non-refundable.

Group Discount (4+)

Do you plan to attend the Conference together with your collegues this year? NoSQL Search Roadshows offer special savings when you register a group of four or more people from your company. For more details fill out the form below (you can expect a reply within 3 business days).

SPECIAL OFFER: 4 tickets for the price of 3!

Contact us below

Your name:
Your e-mail:
Your question:
Please fill in result of: 8 x 8: