GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

GOTO Night: Drop Estimaterne

Host: Jesper Boeg

When: 25. Feb 2015 at 16:30 - 18:30

Where: Hedal Kruse Brohus, Englandsgade 24 , 5000 Odense C


I dette oplæg vil Jesper Boeg dele sit syn på estimeringen og de seneste 8 års arbejde med at skabe effektive teams, der med en meget lille indsats kan udstille en forudsigelighed, der langt overgår niveauet i branchen som helhed.
Stik imod den gængse opfattelse er overordnet forudsigelighed hverken bundet op på præcision eller mængden af detaljer, og i virkeligheden skal der meget lidt til, før vi både kan sikre en hensigtsmæssig forretningsmæssig prioritering og ikke mindst afstemning af både budget og deadlines. Det handler om at håndtere usikkerhed i stedet for at bekæmpe den, da det er en kamp vi er dømt til at tabe på forhånd.

Med afsæt i en lang række konkrete eksempler fra hans arbejde med specielt Lean og Kanban vil Jesper give konkrete bud på, hvordan estimering håndteres effektivt så teams med en meget lille indsats kan opnå den fulde værdi. #NoEstimates er nok ikke svaret i alle tilfælde, men heldigvis kan mindre radikale tiltage også gøre det.

Implementing Agile and Lean principles in the context of innovation and IT has been Jesper's work and passion for almost a decade. Having spent a number of years as a full time Agile and Lean coach and trainer, Jesper got tired of only telling others how to work.
Therefore, he now divides his time between his real job as Process Development Lead at the Digital Agency Creuna, working with real teams and clients to test the boundaries of effective value delivery while still doing a bit of Agile and Lean coaching and training on the side.

Jesper is a Kanban Coaching Professional and Accredited Kanban Trainer from LKU and sits on the management board of that same organization. He is the author of the two minibooks "Real Life Scrum" and "Priming Kanban", which can both be downloaded for free at .

Price: Free

Language: Danish

Contact: Benedikte Schaltz


Remember to cancel if you are unable to come.
In case you need to cancel your registration, please contact: Benedikte Schaltz , no later than February 24 at 9:00 AM. Please notice that we have a no-show fee of DKK 200,- so please cancel your registration if you cannot attend.

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