GOTO Berlin is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 60 top speakers and 600 attendees. The conference covers topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.
GOTO Night: Building Games with Akka FSM
Host: Josep Prat
When: 7. Oct 2015 at 19:00 - 22:00
Where: GameDuell GmbH, Taubenstraße 24-25, 10117 Berlin
We invite you to an interesting GOTO Night with
Josep Prat
on behalf of GOTO Berlin and Scala User Group Meetup Berlin
Date October 7, 2015 (iCal)
Time 19:00 / 7PM
Venue GameDuell
Address Taubenstraße 24-25, 10117 Berlin
Venue GameDuell
Address Taubenstraße 24-25, 10117 Berlin
Cost Free of charge
Speaker Josep Prat
Snacks & refreshments included
Speaker Josep Prat
"Building Games with Akka FSM"
by Josep Prat
Building games is complex. It gets even more complicated when games are multiplayer, in which two or more clients are playing against each other at the same time and need to share the state . The most widespread way to accomplish this synchronization is with thread based programming. However, this requires dealing with low level mechanisms like threads, semaphores and locks, and thus diverts attention from the most important aspect: the game logic.
Akka is a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed and resilient message-driven applications, and is part of the Typesafe technology stack. Using Akka for implementing the game logic allows developers to focus on the game’s rules and forget about having to manage threads and locks.
In this talk, you will learn how to extract the Finite State Machine (FSM) hidden behind a game and how this can be easily modeled using Akka FSM actors. Furthermore, it will be shown how important it is to take possible failure scenarios into account when building your game in order to make it more resilient.
Take away:
* How to transform a game into a FSM
* Introduction to Akka Actors
* What is Akka FSM
* Practical examples of how to build a game
Josep Prat is HTML5 Game Architect and Java Lead Developer at GameDuell, and a passionate Scala developer. He is the responsible software engineer for the backend, frontend and game engine of the GameDuell community platform that hosts around 70 web games (
You can find the slides Josep used in his talk here
For any questions do not hesitate to contact Dajana Günther.
Remember to cancel if you are unable to come. In case you need to cancel your registration, please contact: Dajana Günther, no later than October 6 at 9:00 AM. Please notice that we have a no-show fee of EUR 50,- so please cancel your registration if you cannot attend.
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