GOTO Berlin is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 60 top speakers and 600 attendees. The conference covers topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.
GOTO Night: Microservices
Host: Dennis Traub, Stefan Tilkov and Dave Thomas
When: 22. Jun 2015 at 18:00 - 22:00
Where: Galeria Kaufhof GmbH - Gebäude Antoniterstraße 19 / Ecke Cäcilienstraße 50676 Köln
We invite you to an interesting GOTO Night with
Dennis Traub, Stefan Tilkov & Dave Thomas
on behalf of GOTO Berlin
Date June 22, 2015 (iCal)
Time 18:00 / 6PM
Venue Galeria Kaufhof GmbH - Gebäude; Antoniterstraße 19 / Ecke Cäcilienstraße, 50676 Köln (Map - Streetview)
Address Cologne (Köln)
Venue Galeria Kaufhof GmbH - Gebäude; Antoniterstraße 19 / Ecke Cäcilienstraße, 50676 Köln (Map - Streetview)
Cost Free of charge
Speaker Dennis Traub, Stefan Tilkov & Dave Thomas
Snacks & refreshments included
18:00 Registration & Sandwiches/Fingerfood
18:30 Short Intro
18:40 Dennis Traub
19:10 Short Break
19:20 Stefan Tilkov
19:50 Short Break
20:00 Dave Thomas
20:30 Ending with beers
Speaker Dennis Traub, Stefan Tilkov & Dave Thomas
18:00 Registration & Sandwiches/Fingerfood
18:30 Short Intro
18:40 Dennis Traub
19:10 Short Break
19:20 Stefan Tilkov
19:50 Short Break
20:00 Dave Thomas
20:30 Ending with beers
"Taming the Monolith - Are Microservices just an Implementation Detail?" by Dennis Traub
Domain-Driven Design changed the way we reason about large software systems. Modern practices, tools and technologies like continuous delivery, NoSQL, and cloud-based virtualization allow the creation of fine-grained systems to solve the specific problems at hand.
Having DDD in mind and technical expertise at our hands, with microservice architectures we can build complex systems that reflect our businesses' complex realities and are easy to change at the same time.
This talk will show what DDD and microservice architectures have in common and how you can use both to create software systems that fit your domain.
Dennis is Lead Consultant at ThoughtWorks with two decades of experience as a full stack developer, consultant, and coach across a variety of domains and technologies. He's passionate about making software development as simple as possible while keeping the business goals in mind. His specialties are domain-driven design and agile software development.
"Microservices: Awesome, as long as they are neither ‘micro’ nor ‘services" by Stefan Tilkov
Microservices: Awesome, as long as they are neither ‘micro’ nor ‘services. The concept of a microservices architecture hit the community with tremendous force, and immediately struck a nerve. But the name is unfortunate – some of the connotations it carries are not at all necessary to reap the benefits of this approach. In this talk, we will discuss the forces that are independent from the size and the kind of interface offered, and see how they can be applied to various different scenarios.
Stefan Tikov is a decent-frequency blogger, tweets at @stilkov and is a frequent speaker at conferences in Germany and abroad. He is the author of the book "REST und HTTP". Stefan also used to be lead SOA editor on InfoQ.
Stefan has been involved in the design of large-scale, distributed systems for almost two decades, using a variety of technologies and tools ranging from C++ and CORBA over J2EE/Java EE and Web Services to REST and Ruby on Rails.
Co-founder and principal consultant at innoQ, Stefan spends his time alternating between advising customers on new technologies and taking the blame from his co-workers for doing so.
"Microservices" by Dave Thomas
Dave Thomas is the Founder and Chairman of Bedarra Research Labs (BRL), which specializes in emerging software technologies and practices. BRL enables clients rapidly deploy innovative solutions using the latest practices and technologies. Dave is a popular, humorous, albeit opinionated international keynote speaker with an impressive breadth of business experience and technical depth. With a unique ability to see the future and translate research into competitive products, Dave was awarded ACM Distinguished Engineer for his contributions object technology that include IBM IDEs, virtual machines and the open source Eclipse foundation. Dave is a thought leader in Large Scale Lean and Agile Development and a founding director of the Agile Alliance. He maintains close links the R&D community and is an adjunct research professor at Queensland University of Technology in Australia and Carleton University in Canada. Dave serves on the program committees for many technology conferences and founder of the YOW! Australia conference.
For any questions do not hesitate to contact Sven Johann.
Remember to cancel if you are unable to come. In case you need to cancel your registration, please contact: Sven Johann, no later than June 21 at 9:00 AM. Please notice that we have a no-show fee of EUR 50,- so please cancel your registration if you cannot attend.
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