GOTO Berlin is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 60 top speakers and 600 attendees. The conference covers topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.
GOTO Night: Neo4j Worst Practices
Host: Stefan Armbruster
When: 10. Sep 2015 at 19:00 - 22:00
Where: KOSMOS KG, Karl-Marx-Allee 131a, 10243 Berlin
We invite you to an interesting GOTO Night with
Stefan Armbruster
on behalf of GOTO Berlin
Date September 10, 2015 (iCal)
Time 19:00 / 7PM
Address Karl-Marx-Allee 131a, 10243 Berlin
Address Karl-Marx-Allee 131a, 10243 Berlin
Cost Free of charge
Speaker Stefan Armbruster
Snacks & refreshments included
Speaker Stefan Armbruster
"Neo4j Worst Practices"
by Stefan Armbruster
Graphdatabases are a super exciting technology enabling us to solve certain problem orders of magnitudes faster and cheaper compared to other persistence technologies. As with every new technology there is a learning phase in the beginning. Typically the learning curve with graphdatabases is rather steep, productive code can be written after just a couple of days. Nevertheless you will fall in one or the other trap sooner or later. May it be data modelling, testing, configuration or tuning - all of them keep some surprises for the graph database rookie.
This talk will show ways to make sure to fall in all of these traps. The presentation of anti patterns is supposed to be informative but also amusing. This session will be rounded up by some andecdotes for customer projects and the open source community of Neo4j which I'm in close touch with for the last 3 years as field engineer with Neo Technology.

Stefan is working as a field engineer for Neo Technology, the company backing the open source graph database Neo4j, for more than 3 years. Before he has spent ~15 years as a freelance consultant, mainly focused on web applications (esp. Grails). Aside from coding in the java ecosystem he is a passionate Linux veteran since the kernel 1.0.x days. When not coding, he cycles and is a volunteer firefighter at the local fire department, acting as a team lead and instructor. He's a true geek and loves technology, good food and red wine.
For any questions do not hesitate to contact Dajana Günther.
Remember to cancel if you are unable to come. In case you need to cancel your registration, please contact: Dajana Günther, no later than September 9 at 9:00 AM. Please notice that we have a no-show fee of EUR 50,- so please cancel your registration if you cannot attend.
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