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Building a build chain with Xcode CI
Host: Mads Bøgeskov
When: 8. May 2014 at 16:30 - 18:30
Where: Trifork A/S, Margrethepladsen 4, 8000 Aarhus C
In 2013 Apple released its new Xcode CI extension to the Mac OS X server. The purpose of this module was to give iOS developers an easy way to quickly implement basic continuous integration and repository hosting into their projects. Xcode CI should automatically take care of static analysis, unit testing, and compilation with very few clicks.
The projects I have worked on at Trifork has mostly used the multi-tool known as Jenkins CI. However when we internally upgraded our projects to the new SDK 7 our build chain suddenly required massive maintenance. We therefore decided to research Xcode CI in order to see if it would be possible to replace Jenkins with this in the near future.
The session will start will start with a simple presentation of how to create a project using Xcode CI. This is then followed by an introduction into the different build utilities in Xcode such as schemes, targets, and build configurations, in order to show how most of our build setup can be kept inside Xcode instead of multiple external scripts. The presentation will furthermore show how to use Git submodules and CocoaPods to handle our external dependencies. After this we will create a few unit tests and see how they are run inside Xcode CI. Lastly the presentation will show how to use scripts to do actions such as icon overlaying.
Price: Free
Language: Danish
Contact: Tine Grarup
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