GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Real Time Big Data. Scalable, Available and Secure

Host: Johnny Miller

When: 10. Apr 2014 at 16:30 - 18:30

Where: Margrethepladsen 4, 8000 Aarhus C


Brief summary of the presentation:
Traditional master/slave database platforms are often one of the most difficult and costly aspects of scaling any platform. It becomes even more difficult when you need to scale across multiple datacenters. They are typically weakest in terms of availability with various single points of failure. Anyone looking to scale should really understand why this would cause problems and what their options are. Solving this doesn’t have to be difficult, complicated or expensive.

This talk will cover:
Open source Apache Cassandra(™)
How to simply scale your data and availability across multiple data centers.
How to be active/active across multiple data centres.
How to segment resources in your data tier.
How to have 100% uptime in your data tier.
How to secure your data


Johnny Miller - Solutions Architect, DataStax, EMEA based

Johnny Miller,is an experience developer, architect, team lead and agile coach with a history of working at Sky, AOL Broadband and Alcatel-Lucent. Johnny has architected and delivered a number of enterprise platforms using Cassandra as a key component for achieving high availability and efficient scaling. As a result of Johnny's belief in the performance of Cassandra this lead him to join DataStax and drive solutions for Cassandra Big Data. Twitter: @cyanmiller and @datastaxeu


Price: Free

Language: English

Contact: Tine Grarup




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Cancellations must be made no later than April 8 at 9:00 AM to Tine Grarup.

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