GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

When: 2. Oct 2012 at 17:00 -


Design & Usability User Group Meeting

Speaker: Martin Brynskov, PhD (CS/HCI)

Time: October 2, 2012, 17:00-19:00

User Group registration opens at 16:00 at the main entrance of Musikhuet, and as a User Group attendee you are allowed to visit the conference exibition area from 16:00-17:00.

Place: Musikhuset, Thomas Jensens Allé, 8000 Aarhus C - ROOM: Kammermusiksalen

Contact: Tine Grarup

Fee: Free of charge

The new Design & Usability User Group will be kicked off with this first meeting at GOTO Aarhus, where Dr. Martin Brynskov will talk about how to bring "old media" safely to new platforms in a useful and sustainable way. Therefore, if your organisation is struggling with how to incorporate the new platforms in a meaningful way, this talk will be of particular interest to you.

To learn more about the Design & Usability User Group and become a member, visit us at our Design & Usability User Group website.

From old to new media: Visiolink Case Study

In a fast-paced, technology-driven market, it is not easy to find firm foothold in evidence, so what to do? Martin Brynskov will share his insights from working with "old media", especially newspaper organizations, bringing them safely to new platforms in a form that is both useful and financially sustainable. Based on a case with Visiolink, producer of 500+ titles on tablet, mobile and web, Dr. Brynskov will present concrete case studies and discuss "what we know", including the role of paper as a reference for digital media use. The presentation will address interaction design, digital aesthetics and a bit of technical issues, e.g. platform strengths and weaknesses.


Martin Brynskov, PhD (CS/HCI), is associate professor in interactive technologies at Aarhus University in Denmark. He is also director of the Digital Design Lab and research fellow at CAVI Center for Advanced Visualization and Interaction as well as at the newly formed Participatory IT Centre (PIT). Working closely together with journalists, media organizations, muncipalities, artists, and industrial partners, he investigates the consequences of digitization and explores new forms of mediation within a variety of domains with special focus on the role of social interaction and interfaces. Dr. Brynskov and his group launched the first Danish iPad magazine in 2010,, and he has been involved in the development of numerous projects and products based on social interaction mediated by technology, working together with public institutions and industrial partners, including LEGO Company and Bang & Olufsen. During his doctoral work at the Center for Interactive Spaces, he developed tools for social construction for children using mobile and pervasive media based on the notion of “digital habitats”


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