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When: 12. Sep 2012 at 16:30 -
Real Life Scrum
Speaker: Jesper Boeg, Trifork
Time: 12. september, 2012, kl. 16.30 - 18.30
Place: Trifork A/S, Margrethepladsen 4, 8000 Aarhus C
Contact: Tine Grarup
Price: Free
Language: English (Danish if only Danish audience)
Follow @GeekNight_dkAbstract
Though new Agile approaches like lean startup and Kanban are emerging and XP practices are being rediscovered Scrum is still by far the most popular method used for Agile delivery and transition. This is not by coincidence. Scrum is easy to understand and communicate and can help organizations reap the first benefits of Agile by presenting a simple framework for Agile management.
Having worked with Scrum for 6 years in a variety of settings, as Scrum Master, Product Owner, mentor coach and trainer, it is however also clear to me that many teams and organizations are not gaining the long term benefits. Issues can be many and to a large extend originate from misunderstanding and misuse of the Agile and Lean values and practices Scrum is built upon.
Typical examples are:
- The dysfunctional product owner “Role” that seems incapable of providing the right material for the team to work with no matter how many times the team goes “surfing” because the sprint backlog is not ready for sprint planning.
- Projects that are following almost every Scrum rule except being Agile. Incrementally delivering the projects according to the original spec with little or no feedback on the actual value of the software.
- Releaseplans that seem so far apart from reality that they are of little help in aligning the overall efforts and offer nothing in terms of predictability.
- Teams that are so focused on delivering the maximum amount of story points that they forget the longer term sustainability of the code base.
- Organizations and teams that strive to become 100 percent Scrum without considering “why” resulting in only small performance improvements, local optimization
The list goes on and it seems that most of these problems stem from a lack of understanding of the Lean and Agile principles Scrum is built upon. It is too simple to say that “Scrum by the book” is bad or that “Scrum but” is a failure, since neither will get you very far if you do not understand why you are doing it and the actual tradeoffs you are making.
It does not have to be like that however and during the past years we have helped many organizations kickstart, re-start and improve individual teams and overall Agile change initiatives. In this session I will share some of the stories and invite you to do the same, as well as tips and tricks to improve your own situation with very simple means.
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