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When: 31. May 2012 at 18:00 -
NoSQL Distilled: A brief guide to the emerging world of polyglot persistence
Speaker: Pramod Sadalage
Time: May 31th, 2012, 18:00-21:30
Place: Bucerius Law School Hamburg, Jungiusstrasse 6, 20355 Hamburg
Contact: Gary Harvey
Fee: Free
Follow @GeekNight_dkAbstract
The world of data is changing and becoming yet more important as data has became a significant competitive advantage. We are collecting increasing amounts of data, but wanting to process it in decreasing time. This demands new techniques in data storage, enabling the raise of NoSQL technologies. In this talk Pramod will talk about NoSQL in two phases.
In the first phase, the talk will focus on core concepts needed to understand NoSQL databases, NoSQL data models, in particular the role of aggregates and the consequences of schema-less models, options for distribution and the consequences of maintaining consistency.
In the second phase the talk will focus on implementation details and look at some representative databases so you can get a feel for how real NoSQL databases work using Riak, MongoDB, Cassandra, and Neo4J and also look at how to implement evolutionary design with schema migration -- an essential requirement even with schema-less databases.
Pramod Sadalage is principal consultant at ThoughtWorks where he enjoys the rare role of bridging the divide between database professionals and application developers. He is usually sent in to clients with particularly challenging data needs, which require new technologies and techniques. In the early 00's he developed techniques to allow relational databases to be designed in an evolutionary manner based on version-controlled schema migrations. He is the co-author of Refactoring Databases, co-author of NoSQL Distilled and continues to speak and write about the insights he and his clients learn.
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