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When: 11. Oct 2011 at 15:50 -


Mercurial User Group Meeting

Time: October 11, 2011, 15:50-17:50

Place: Trifork A/S, Margrethepladsen 4, 8000 Aarhus C - see venue map here
(registration starts at 15:30 at the main entrance)

Contact: Martin Geisler

Fee: Free of charge 

Language: English 

Curious about distributed version control? Come meet two of the core Mercurial developers and get answers to your questions!

Mercurial is a distributed version control system that offers you the power and speed to efficiently handle projects of any size and kind. Every clone contains the whole project history, so committing, branching, tagging and merging are local, fast and convenient. You can use a multitude of workflows and easily enhance its functionality with new or existing extensions. Come join us if you want to learn more!

There will be two main parts:

  • Mercurial Kick Start: Martin Geisler will get you quickly up to speed on Mercurial. We will cover the important difference between centralized and distributed version control, and show the basic commands. The aim of the talk is to answer your questions about Mercurial, so we will try to make it very interactive.
  • Mercurial Migration: Sune Foldager will describe how he helped migrate 150 developers from CVS to Mercurial. Why did they choose Mercurial over competing systems like Git? What changes did they make to their workflows and are they happy with the results?

Martin Geisler and Sune Foldager have both been involved in the Mercurial project since 2008 and are now part of the core developer team.

Martin moved from Denmark to Switzerland in the beginning of 2010 to work full-time as a Mercurial consultant for aragost Trifork. There he has helped several large European clients migrate to Mercurial by writing custom extensions, providing training, and helping with the implementation of new workflows.

Sune works in the infrastructure team for the Danish company Edlund A/S, with around 150 C# / .NET developers, and has been instrumental in switching their source control from CVS to Mercurial back in 2009. He has made several contributions to Mercurial concerning use and deployment in Windows environments, and working effectively with named branches.

Target Audience:
People with little or no experience with distributed version control, but who are familiar with an existing centralized revision control systems such as CVS, Subversion, or Perforce.

Key words:
Mercurial, Git, CVS, distributed version control, revision control, collaboration, workflows, migration.


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