GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
When: 30. Aug 2011 at 16:00 -
Mobile apps: I teori og praksis
Den anden af en GOTO-Night-række over det næste år omhandlende Design, Interaktionsdesign og Usability for mobile apps
Talere: Uffe Koch (Huge Lawn Software Aps), Mikael B. Skov, Ph.D. & Jesper Kjeldskov, Ph.D (Lektorer Aalborg Universitet)
Tid: 30 august, 2011, kl. 16.00 - 19.00.
Sted: Trifork A/S, Margrethepladsen 4, 8000 Aarhus C
Kontakt: Tine Grarup
Pris: Free
Sprog: Dansk
Begrænset antal pladser
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Dette er den anden GOTO Night af en række, som Trifork vil afholde over det næste år, omhandlende Design, Interaktionsdesign og Usability for mobile apps.
Formålet med møderækken er at bringe professionelle indenfor grafisk design, interaktionsdesign, usability, user experience, HCI, informationsarkitektur etc. med en fælles interesse i mobile apps sammen om hvordan man laver gode apps set fra et design-, interaktionsdesign- og usabilitymæssigt synspunkt. Kom og del dine erfaringer (gode som dårlige), få inspiration, opnå viden, og skab et netværk.
16:00 - 16:15 Kort intro
16:15 – 17:15 Oplæg ved Uffe Koch, Huge Lawn Software Aps
17:15 – 17:45 Forplejning og networking
17:45 – 18:45 Oplæg ved Mikael B. Skov (PhD) og Jesper Kjeldskov (PhD), Lektorer fra Aalborg Universitet
18:45 – 19:00 Afsluttende bemærkninger og networking
Developing iPhone and iPad apps for the industry
Uffe has during the past 10 years worked deep in the bowels of the mobile handset industry, but founded Huge Lawn Software in 2009.
Uffe has worked with virtually all mobile application platforms on the market; Java/J2ME, Android, Symbian and UIQ, BREW, Windows Mobile, proprietary C, C++ and Linux/Java based platforms, but since 2008 focused only on the Apple iPhone platform.
With Huge Lawn Uffe have launched more than 25 Apps on the iTunes AppStore, and have many more planned or in production.
Uffe Koch, Huge Lawn Software Aps
Mobile Interaction Design Research
Mikael and Jesper have conducted research and teaching within mobile interaction design for the last 10 years. They are currently members of the Interaction Design and HCI Group at Aalborg University.
Mikael and Jesper have worked with various aspects of design and evaluation of mobile technologies and mobile apps, and they have focused on several applications domains for mobile apps, e.g. apps for socializing or way finding. They have written more than 100 scientific papers on various aspects of interaction design.
Mikael B. Skov (PhD) og Jesper Kjeldskov (PhD), Lektorer fra Aalborg Universitet, Afdelingen for Datalogi
Da vi nu har et max deltagerantal på vores GeekNights har vi indført et no-show gebyr på kr. 200,-
På denne måde kan vi sikre os at deltagere på en eventuel venteliste får muligheden for at få den ledige plads.
Framelding skal ske senest d. 29 august kl. 12:00 til Tine Grarup
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