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When: 7. Sep 2011 at 16:00 -
Automated acceptance testing of iOS applications
Speaker: Karl Krukow
Time: 7. september, 2011, kl. 16.00 - 18.00
Place: Trifork A/S, Margrethepladsen 4, 8000 Aarhus C
Contact: Tine Grarup
Price: Free
Language: English or Danish depending on the audience
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Thorough testing of native mobile applications often requires many resources, is error-prone and consists of tredious repetition of the same test-cases with each iteration or test release. Automation of these tedious tasks would free up business resources and let them focus on more intersting problems.
In this talk we look at the state of automated testing on the iOS platform. We briefly discuss unit testing, but focus primarily on automating acceptance/ui tests. We review different approaches, and go in more depth with our favorite technique, showing how even complicated scenarios can be automated.
Der vil blive serveret sandwich og vand til GeekNight'en
Da vi nu har et max deltagerantal på vores GeekNights har vi indført et no-show gebyr på kr. 200,-
På denne måde kan vi sikre os at deltagere på en eventuel venteliste får muligheden for at få den ledige plads.
Framelding skal ske senest d. 6 september kl. 10:00 til Tine Grarup
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