Presentation: Tweet"Fall in Love with ASP.NET MVC - Testable, Dynamic Web Applications with .NET"
You are developing dynamic web applications? You love keeping full control over the HTML code dynamically generated by a runtime or framework? You are looking interested in web applications that are easy to test? Then you will love ASP.NET MVC as a web application development platform. With its implementation of the model-view-controller-pattern, ASP.NET MVC leads to a clean development model with a clear separation of concerns that allows development of dynamic web applications that are easy to test and while remaining full control over automatically generated HTML as needed. In this you will learn the fundamental concepts of ASP.NET MVC. You will learn, how ASP.NET MVC plays well with AJAX frameworks such as jQuery! And finally you will learn, how the architecture of ASP.NET MVC enables writing web applications that are easy to test by using a variety of testing frameworks incl. Visual Studio and other frameworks such as Rhino Mocks. Get started right away with ASP.NET MVC and this session!
Keywords: .NET, Patterns, Testing, Web, Web Applications, HTML, AJAX, jQuery
Target audience: Developers with experience in developing applications with .NET, developers with experience in web development in any platform that are able to make sense out of C# or Java-code, JavaScript and HTML.
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